Covert Hypnosis

Covert hypnosis is about attempting to intentional change a person’s behavior or thinking without them being aware of what is happening. This focuses primarily on what most people know as the art of persuasion. And the techniques used in this kind of hypnosis are language and behavioral.

Covert hypnosis involves reading the subconscious mind of a subject and applying suggestions to it in a normal conversation. This technique has its roots in public speaking, sales and a variety of other related fields. In fact today, most of these fields have already incorporated this method of conversing.

For some people, the word covert may have a negative connotation this is why it’s also called conversational hypnosis by those wishing to get away from such a negative title for what they do. However, whatever the name is, this is not the main issue. The important thing is that it allows the person using it to attempt to alter the actions or thoughts of another person without their knowledge for the benefit of the speaker. However, there is controversy as to how possible it truly is for someone to accomplish what they set out to as far as controlling another person’s mind.

How Does Covert Hypnosis Work?

Many high profile individuals are using this technique, especially the likes of politicians, actors, marketers and entertainers. Often they are coached in it’s use. Covert hypnosis is attractive to them since they value the thought of having the power of being able to persuade other people to their way of thinking.

However, a person doesn’t have to belong to one of these high profile ranks to benefit from the language of influence. For instance, in the workplace there are many who are attracted to such an ides. The person that has a dynamic personality is liked and noticed by everyone.

And it’s more likely that others are interested in what people like this have to say. A technique such as covert hypnosis is much more likely to have an influence when used by these types of individuals. And these people are likely a be promoted or have a lot more career options open to them especially if they use the power of persuasion.

People behave in the same ways when it comes to choosing friends or companions. And everyone wants to be with that special someone who is charismatic and fascinating. However, only a few people have naturally magnetic personality. For those who don’t but want to improve in this area and develop this power over people turn to covert hypnosis.

Social Strategy

This type of hypnosis entails social strategy, as any strategic behavioral patterns can be valuable in setting the stage for the use of persuasion techniques. An example of social strategy includes arranging the appropriate social locations or environment at the right time to set up the correct atmosphere.

Therefore, a hypnotist can’t rely on language of influence alone. They integrate a variety of persuasion techniques to encourage others to engage in a conversation. Hence, the hypnotist needs to create a social ambiance wherein individuals are drawn to have a conversation.

Covert hypnosis can be beneficial in a various ways. However, not all uses are for the good of the person being persuaded. When this happens a person can have an unfair advantage over other people. Therefore, use it to persuade and influence others to positively benefit all. But do keep in mine that no one can make you do something that you don’t want to do no matter how persuasive they think they are. You own unconscious mind will also protect you.