This is a brief post on the benefits and drawbacks of the subliminal cd against the paraliminal cd. Of course there are advantages and disadvantages of both methods of development, and we advocate keeping an open mind and finding something which suits you – suits your method od development, your personality and your lifestyle.

First here are some quick definitions;

Sulbiminal messaging is where a voice is recorded reading positive affirmations and then masked at a sound frequency on the  edge of human hearing. The term literally translates as “below threshold”. I.e. the messages are below the threshold of human hearing.

However, your subconscious mind will process all of this informaiton and much more on the edges of your perception. This way means that you receive the info straight in your unconscious mind.

Paraliminals use the very same messages and phrases – i.e.positive statements. However they are “above threshold” – i.e. you will hear the voices this time. They are essentially spoken word CDs with relaxing music in the background.

On an improving confidence cd for example you may hear phrases such as: I am confident, I grow more and more confident every day, I am confident in new situations etc. The only difference to listening on a paraliminal rather than a subliminal is that you will hear the message.

So which method is better?

Everyone is different from the next, you need to find the right solution for YOU – one which suits your lifestlye, here is a quick comparison to help you make up your mind:

  • If you want a spoken, audible voice product then Paraliminals are the way forward – You will hear the messages.
  • If you want a spoken product but don’t want to have to enter a trance like with hynposis then Paraliminals may be the best thing for you.
  • If you want an effortless way to develop – also without entering a deep trance then either Paraliminals or Subliminal Messaging CDs can be used.
  • One of the main benefit of Subliminals is that they are non intrusive. You can put the album on and forget about it – just playing it in the background, wheras Paraliminals may prove a little distracting when you are trying to concentrate.
  • With subliminal messaging cds you can play them and people won’t actually know what it is you are listening to – it appears to be just relaxing music. This has two benefits – that you can listen anywhere, any time, and you can listen to albums which help to overcome embarrassing problems without fear of being “found out”.
  • If a certain problem is holding you back and you can’t seem to crack it then your conscious mind may be blocking your attempts and subliminal messages can help to bypass this problem.

Overall both methods can be effective, and both are a way of effortlessly developing – you can use the album while going about your daily life. For more information and a full range of subliminal cds visit Real Subliminal today.