Through the use of mass hypnosis, a speaker can persuade a large number of people to believe in the same idea all at the same time. This fast change in a crowd’s perception is attainable through a technique what we now call overt or conversational hypnosis. And to answer your question, yes you have been hypnotized this way hundreds of times already.
Surely you have been to at least one electoral meetings either live or through your television where mass hypnosis has taken place. And surely, you have heard the candidates give their speeches and lay out their agenda. And before you even realize it, you’re agreeing to everything they have to say. They do this through a number of learned techniques to lure you in.
The Use of Mass Hypnosis
It’s unquestionably amazing to instantly change a group of people’s insights through this practice of mass hypnosis. In order to accomplish this the first and foremost thing to do is to acknowledge and identify with the crowds needs. Once you known their interests, you can intertwine your needs according to their wants and desires. It also helps to enlist a charismatic character, a position of authority and a likable personality.
Once you have all of these things going for you, make a few statements that are true and that you know will be easily accepted by the crowd. Next make a series of statements that could possibly be true but are more controversial. But use ones that you know the audience will now follow your lead on because you have built their trust. And then you go in for the kill and make the pitch for the real thing you want from them. By now they are in the position you want so they continue to follow you and do exactly as you request.
Hypnotize a Group of People
With the use of mass hypnosis, one can hypnotize a large fraction of people. However, this technique is not as simple as it sounds. It involves a well thought out strategy with a series of manipulations that change one’s opinion or view. Psychotherapist and hypnotist Dr. Milton Erickson developed this technique that is quite helpful when used appropriately. But the problem comes in when it’s used with an evil or negative intent such as by cults, crooks and others out to do you harm.
Process of Mass Hypnosis Success
- In mass hypnosis, you need to develop rapport with the people. Create a harmonious relationship. Initially, do not oppose them in anyway.
- Ensure that you have a tone that shows you to be eager to help and definitely polite. Don’t shout or raise your voice. However, in rare cases, hypnotists use a high tone of voice when they’re emphasizing a point or to help the subjects focus.
- Give optimistic views and opinions at first. Uplift the general environment of the crowd. Start with an entertaining topic and make good use of humor.
- Make certain that the general mood of the crowd is good or even jubilant. In mass hypnosis, it is unwise to project your ideas when people are enraged or a heated conversation has already begun.
- Once this tone is set, you can gradually give indirect suggestions. By implying your points, subjects in time will acknowledge what you have said and be in agreement.
All kinds of Hypnotic approaches have indeed reached maximum popularity these days. Lots of people are into learning the fundamentals and are practicing to attain mastery around the world. For this reason, training for mass hypnosis is readily accessible for everyone. So, if you desire to be an efficient communicator, find out more about these tools of communication available to you as well.