Examining Answers

…It’s not only fun and easy but educational, life changing, healing and helpful as well

So, What is Hypnosis You Ask?

Hypnosis is a very common word in our world today and most people would say they know the answer to what is hypnosis. And yet, if you ask them to define it in clear understandable terms, very few indeed would be able to do so. And fewer still even realize how easy it is to learn hypnotic techniques.

So, Let’s Examine Real Answers to What Hypnosis Actually Is

Do you think it is magic? How about a science? Or perhaps it’s an art? How would you define it if asked to do so? I know, I know, you’re probably thinking about the hypnotizing swinging watch at the top of this page or the spiral just below and the hypnotic suggestion they induce when looking at them but does that really describe what hypnosis actually is?


Or is there more to hypnosis than that?
Or perhaps your thinking about those stage hypnotists with their funny and amusing performances looking to entertain a crowd of curious spectators. I can see them now convincing some people that they are squawking chickens or making some poor guy believes that he’s a world famous ballerina with their hypnotism tricks. Now is this the answer to our question? These acts can be very entertaining and fun for both watchers and participants. But there are many other uses for hypnosis, most of which are quite helpful for improving your life, relationships and yourself. Why, if you learn hypnosis it can even help you to solve many everyday problems of life. Through the use of hypnotic suggestions you can stop smoking, lose weight, reduce your stress and anxiety, eliminate fears and phobias or become quite successful among other things. There are even different types for many different situations such as medical hypnosis, self-hypnosis, conversational, hypnotic marketing and even indirect types. And of course let’s not forget the stage hypnotists. But let’s get back to answering our question at hand…
Hypnosis is…hypnotize-guy-dog
Considered by some to be an altered state of consciousness, and by others as a type of focused attention. Also when it comes down to it, no drugs, medications or external power is used to induce the hypnotic trance other than these verbal suggestions. Maybe this is why it was initially thought to be more magic than realty. However, the answer to your question can never be complete without indicating that it really is in part a science as well. Scientific studies take a look at the impact of the mind on the healing process of the body similar to exercise and meditation. You know, the mind body connection. It has done wonders in the field of medicine by helping people overcome a number of disorders and dysfunctions not to mention the ability to alleviate pain in many patients. In fact, recent studies show that in the near future, it may be possible to use hypnosis to replace anesthesia in patients who can’t use certain medications because of extreme side effects.
Some Other Points of View on the Hypnotic Trance
Some people also describe it as a relaxing and naturally occurring state of mind that comes about on a regular basis in our everyday lives. For example, a hypnotic trance can occur while reading an engrossing book, watching a movie, daydreaming, or focusing on music we truly enjoy. And yes, these are all forms of light hypnosis. But the real definition, according to medical books and other sources is that it’s a process wherein the critical thinking faculties of the mind are being bypassed to encourage the establishment of inner selective thinking and perception. And here is what Webster has to say. “Hypnosis is an induced state that resembles sleep and in which the subject is responsive to suggestions of the inducer.”
A Quite Common Point of View
Though the common view is that it makes the person being hypnotized reach a trance-like altered state of consciousness that heightens the person’s suggestibility and receptivity to direction. I think this definition covers it most succinctly. Many subjects say that when they get hypnotized, they do notice an increase in their vulnerability to suggestions and other subjective feelings. This may be true in most of the cases, however, not everyone under the state of trance experiences this feeling. This is what has helped to fuel the constant controversy and confusion regarding the true definition. And so, there are those people that relate it to the activity of the brain during that state while others focus on the way it relates to the more complex, scientific measurement of the experience. Any way you look at it, hypnosis can help you make a number of wonderful and useful changes in your life quite easily and enjoyably. And if you have never tried it out you don’t know what your missing.
What Hypnosis is Not
hypnotic-persuasion What it’s not is something to fear. Yes, you’re open to the suggestions from the person inducing the trance state but no one can make you do anything against your will. If someone made a suggestion to you while in the hypnotic state that goes against your own moral character, you would reject the suggestion and come out into wakeful consciousness immediately. That being said, you still must do your homework when choosing a hypnotherapist or hypnotist. Only go to a qualified, reliable and well trained professional for any hypnotherapy sessions you may be considering. And if you intend to learn it for yourself so as to hypnotize people such as through the use of conversational hypnosis and the power of persuasion than make sure you purchase a good quality program with a support system for feedback and direction. And I do hope we have have answered all of your questions.