Lesson for quick/easy self hypnosis

Here is a video by an amatuer that I thought was worth including. Take a look and see what you think... You can use this technique for many different applications. I usually use it around four times a week for things such as controlling pain, better concentration,...

Self Help Hypnosis And Positive Thinking

Hot Tip! Remember to plan ideas in the mid-term as well as short and long term. By creating  plans, people easily see what they want  immediately and what their eventual goals are. Self help hypnosis is actually a great way to make important changes in your life....

Hypnosis For Anxiety: Exploring The Method

With the constant stress and anxiety that many of us experience daily, hypnosis for anxiety can be a means to overcome it. And for those who suffer from the more severe form of anxiety or panic attacks the ability to induce your own hypnotic trance can be a life...

Mass hypnosis: The Way to Success

Through the use of mass hypnosis, a speaker can persuade a large number of people to believe in the same idea all at the same time. This fast change in a crowd’s perception is attainable through a technique what we now call overt or conversational hypnosis. And to...

What Are Hypnosis Audios?

This is a really quick introduction and aims to answer the question - what is hypnosis audio? Here is an official what is hypnosis definition: Hypnosis is the induction of a state of consciousness in which a person loses the power of voluntary action and is especially...

Hypnosis For Sleep: Get The Rest You Need

If you have difficulty sleeping or find that you wake up in the middle of the night with trouble going back to sleep, you should look into using hypnosis for sleep. The basic reason for this suggestion is that this method allows you to relax your mind completely and...

Weight Loss Hypnosis: How Can It Help?

Are you contemplating using weight loss hypnosis as an alternative method for losing weight? Then, you might be struggling to get rid of those extra pounds but to no avail. This may be due to certain factors that you need to consider in order to fully attain your...

Hypnotherapist: How To Become One

People seeking to learn how to become a hypnotherapist are increasing as the field of hypnosis is earning more attention every day. Some are looking to add an additional tool to their present career such as counselors or psychologists. While others are looking for a...

Is Hypnosis Real And If So What Is It?

If you're like many people, when you hear a discussion about hypnosis you probably want to ask, "Is hypnosis real?" Or you might just want an answer to what is hypnosis? Perhaps the reason so many people are curious about its use is the way it's portrayed in the media...

Self Hypnosis Techniques: Relax Your Own Mind

When it comes to self hypnosis techniques, the first thing that might come into your mind is a hypnotherapist and a couch. Did you ever think that it's possible to induce a hypnotic trace by yourself? Even though many people believe that all hypnosis is considered...

Does Hypnosis Work: Understanding The Process

Does hypnosis work is often asked by people who have never used it before. Although, some people associate this term in a negative way and some even fear it, you need to remember that there are always two sides to every coin. And the truth is there are so many...