NLP Techniques For Achieving Success

NLP techniques can be quite helpful for achieving success. And they're not as unusual as some people might think. In fact they are actually a form of hypnosis therapy. But first, here are a few ideas to keep in mind. Whether using NLP techniques or not you need to...

Hypnosis To Stop Smoking: It’s Time To Quit

Many smokers have discovered that using hypnosis to stop smoking is an effective means for quitting. Most people undergo a great deal of difficulty when trying to quit and usually attempt to break this habit several times before actually achieving their goal. The...

Suggestions For Using NLP To Make Practical Changes

How Stunning Can Neuro Linguistic Programming Be In Your Life? There are several individuals who have heard mention of NLP (Neuro Linguistics Programming), although they don't know what it is. NLP is a progression that works on the concept that people are capable of...

Weight Loss Hypnosis: How Can It Help?

Are you contemplating using weight loss hypnosis as an alternative method for losing weight? Then, you might be struggling to get rid of those extra pounds but to no avail. This may be due to certain factors that you need to consider in order to fully attain your...

Underground Hypnosis Discussed And Exposed

What we currently call underground hypnosis is actually another form of the hypnosis induction we call covert or conversational hypnosis. And just like these hypnosis methods, it gives us the power to hypnotize people during a seemingly ordinary discussion without...

The Core Skills You Need To Learn Conversational Hypnosis
Conversational Hypnosis is an art that takes a certain set of skills in order to master. These skills are quite attainable when the correct instruction and study of hypnosis has been focused on.

Conversational hypnosis is the practice of inducing hypnotic trances through the focused skills learned in language, speech and suggestion.

Hypnosis Training, client who needs to be right

Hypnosis Training, client who needs to be right

Hypnotherapists are always looking for new ways to help out their clients and we look for anything we think just might come in handy in the way of hypnosis training.
So, if you’re a hypnotherapist, watch this video from to learn a strategy to use for any client you might be working with now or in the future who needs to be right.

Lesson for quick/easy self hypnosis

Lesson for quick/easy self hypnosis

Here is a video by an amatuer that I thought was worth including. Take a look and see what you think…

You can use this technique for many different applications. I usually use it around four times a week for things such as controlling pain, better concentration, making not-so-good food taste better, making myself feel warmer/cooler. Other good suggestions can be found online or you can come up with your own.

How To Hypnotize Someone Quickly

How To Hypnotize Someone Quickly


Do you want to know how to hypnotize people quickly and easily? Your customers, boss, boyfriends, girlfriends, teachers or anybody you want to put under your hypnotic spell? I wonder what you would do with the power of conversational hypnosis…

You may find heaps of hypnosis instructions teaching how to hypnotize out there. As I’ve been learning to hypnotize I did study a fair bit of materials (hypnosis cds, books, dvds etc) so I know some of the materials are very good but many are quite disappointing.

Age Regression Hypnosis, Training, Matt Sison, Randy Shaw

Age Regression Hypnosis, Training, Matt Sison, Randy Shaw

This video offers some great advice for hypnotherapists to use with clients when using age regression in hypnotherapy sessions. If you’re not a hypnotherapist, this video won’t be much use to you. In fact, you will probably find it quite boring even though as a hypnotherapist, I find it very interesting…

A Self Hypnosis Video

A Self Hypnosis Video

Yes, this is the infamous self hypnosis video that got banned. You may not believe it after watching it, but this video was actually banned because it was said to contain inappropriate content. Enjoy it now because you never know when it may get banned again.